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Categories Project management

Project Management

Offered by

Benaadir Research, Consultancy & Evaluation Center (BRCE)

54 Cashir

12 Saacadood

Course Certificate

Course-kaan Project management waxaa ku barran kartaa Hab Maamulka Mashaariicda Ganacsi iyo Hey-adeed, Xirfadaha Hogaamiye, Hanaanka Maamulka Mashaariicda-Casriga, 10-ka Knowledge Area Ee Maamulka Mashaariicda; Integration, Scope, Time, Cost, Quality, Resourse, Communication, Risk, Procurement iyo Stakeholders Managements. Sidoo kale waxaa kaga Bogan dontaa Project  management Approaches; Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, Lean, XP and Other Iteration approaches.

Target Audience

  • Enterprises Managers.
  • NGOs Managers.
  • Team Leaders.
  • Executives.
  • University Rectors
  • Under/postgraduate Students

Material Includes

  • 9 Quizes
  • All Require Recourse
  • 2 Assessments

Course Curriculum

Section 1 Course Overview

Section 2 Modern Project Management

Section 3 Estimating Project Times and Costs

Section 4 Organization Strategy and Project Selection

Section 5 Problem Analysis Tree

Section 6 Project Time Management

Section 7 Managing Project Risk

Section 8 All About PMBOK

Section 9 The 49 Processes of Project Management

Section 10 Agile Approach

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 6 Ratings
5 Ratings
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1 Rating
3 weeks ago
Good 👍
1 month ago
qoraalo laso copy gareeyay la fasiray si english teacher cml, coursadaan oo dhan wax tusaale oo real life ama tusaale kuma jiro muuqaalo dhaadheer oo boring ah wada waaye
2 months ago
WWW more than fantastic
4 months ago
well done
4 months ago
Aad Baan uga farxsanahay sida wanagsan oo aad ka qurux badan ee korsiga loo diyaaariyey iyo inaan ka mid noqda ardayda cusub ee qadatay korsigan waaxaana iga kordhay aqoon dheeriya.
waxaana umahad celinayaa maclimiintayda sida wanagsan oo quruxda badan ay nooso bareeen.

About the instructors

Duran Haji Yasin
Duran Haji Yasin
(MBA, MPP, (M&E), BBA & Certif's).
Abdinor Abukar Ahmed (mr Walanwal)
Abdinor Abukar Ahmed (mr Walanwal)
Bachelor of Computer & Informatics, Post-graduates diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), MBA (Project Management), master of Applied Research & Statistics (Mars) & PMP(Project management Professional) Certified  

Offered by

BRCE waa xarun ka shaqaysa horu marinta iyo barashada arimaha la xariira xirfadaha Casriga ah oo ku salaysan Technology-ga.

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