Research Methodology Process (Level 1)

Offered by

Benaadir Research, Consultancy & Evaluation Center (BRCE)

$10 $20

40 Cashir

4.5 Saacadood

Course Certificate

Course description

The “Research Methodology Process” course is a theory-based program designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the research process. This course covers the essential steps, types, and methodologies involved in conducting research, from formulating a research problem to writing a research report. Participants will learn about different research designs, data collection techniques, and the importance of ethical considerations in research.

Why should you take this course?

Understanding the research process is crucial for anyone involved in academic, scientific, or professional research. This course will equip you with the theoretical knowledge needed to design and conduct rigorous research. By taking this course, you will gain insights into the systematic approach to research, improve your analytical skills, and enhance your ability to contribute to your field through well-conducted research projects.

Who is this course for:

  • Students preparing for research projects, theses, or dissertations.
  • Academics and researchers seeking to deepen their understanding of research methodologies.
  • Professionals involved in research activities who want to enhance their theoretical knowledge.
  • Anyone interested in learning about the systematic process of conducting research.

Target Audience

  • Professionals scholars
  • Undergraduate
  • Postgraduate Students
  • University Lecturers
  • Feasibility Analyzers
  • Evaluators

Material Includes

  • four and Half hours on-demand video
  • 2 downloadable resources
  • 12 Quizzes

Course Curriculum

Section One: A way of thinking

  • Certificate of Completion
  • Course Material (Resource Sidee Loo Degsadaa?
  • Reasons of Doing Research
  • What Is A Research?
  • Characteristics of a Good research
  • 16:17
  • Quiz 1

Section Two: Research Process

Section Three: Step 1 Formulating research Problem

Section Four: Step 2 Conceptualizing Research Design

Section Five: Step 3 Constructing Research Instrument

Section Six: Step 4 Selecting Sample

Section Seven: Step 5 Writing Research Proposal

Section Eight: Step 6 Collecting Data

Section Nine: Step 7 Processing & Displaying Data

Section Ten: Step 8 Writing the research report

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 26 Ratings
30 Ratings
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1 Rating
thanks teacher its very helpful for me to have a concept the research and understood
Waxaan Rukuntay dhaman Courses-ka Diploma in Applied Research and statistics, aadbaad u mahadsantihiiin sida quruxda badan ee aad isugu so duba rideeeeeen
2 weeks ago
Mahadsanidiin banaadir school
runtii kooriskan waa kooris qiimo badan leh wax badan ayaan ka faa'distey waxaan u mahad celinaa injineer cabdinuur waxaan ka dhihi lahaa ajir fara badan allaah kaa siyo waxaana reyjeyn doonaa in qeybta labaad xigta in ay noqon doonaan sida qeybta horay ah
3 weeks ago
Aaadbaan idinkaaga mahad celinayaa sida Quruxda badan u diyaarisen Diplomadan Applied Research and Statistics iyo Sida balaaqada leh ee ustaad-ka usoo gudbinayo, dhab ahaanti umada somaliyeed boos muhiima ayaad u buuxineysaa shaqa wacan. Guuleysta
3 weeks ago
Wonderful and organized contents
Waxaaan qaatay dhaman Courses-ka Diploma in Applied Research and Statistics, dhab ahaaanti si aad u heer sareeyso ayaad u diyaariseen isuguna duba rideen guuleysta. waxaan aad uga helay sida Resourse-keeda ygy so lifaaqdeen iyo sida u turxaan biseen. sidoo kale waxaa aad iso jitay sida uga run sheegreen in Courses-kaani Applied yihiin iTus iTaasbsi.
1 month ago
its wonderful , well organized and useful course. i have enjoyed it.
1 month ago
Dhab ahaantii aadbaan uga helay habka loo diyaariyey Courses-ka waxaa i rukuman dhamaan 9-ka course eee Diploma in applied research and Statistics waan ku faraxsanahay inaan ka mid noqdo ardeyda ka faideysato platformkaan cajiibka.


About the instructors

Abdinor Abukar Ahmed (mr Walanwal)
Abdinor Abukar Ahmed (mr Walanwal)
Bachelor of Computer & Informatics, Post-graduates diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), MBA (Project Management), master of Applied Research & Statistics (Mars) & PMP(Project management Professional) Certified  

Offered by

BRCE waa xarun ka shaqaysa horu marinta iyo barashada arimaha la xariira xirfadaha Casriga ah oo ku salaysan Technology-ga.

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