

Final Assessment

Halkaan waxaan kuugu so lifaaqnay Final assessment course-kaan: Statistical Computing master class in SPSS, hadii aad tahay ardey donayo inuu hanto Diploma in Applied Research and Statistics ama donayo inuu helo course-ka certificate-keeda waa qasab inaad so gudbiso Assignmentigaaa. la deg file-ka oo kasoo shaqeey kadibna kuso lifaaaq qeybta hooose. Mahadsanid

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Final Assessment

Halkaan waxaan kuugu so lifaaqnay Final assessment course-kaan: Statistical Computing master class in MINITAB, hadii aad tahay ardey donayo inuu hanto Diploma in Applied Research and Statistics ama donayo inuu helo course-ka certificate-keeda waa qasab inaad so gudbiso Assignmentigaaa. la deg file-ka oo kasoo shaqeey kadibna kuso lifaaaq qeybta hooose. Mahadsanid

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Halkaan waxaan kuugu so lifaaqnay Final assessment course-kaan: Statistical Computing master class in STATA, hadii aad tahay ardey donayo inuu hanto Diploma in Applied Research and Statistics ama donayo inuu helo course-ka certificate-keeda waa qasab inaad so gudbiso Assignmentigaaa. la deg file-ka oo kasoo shaqeey kadibna kuso lifaaaq qeybta hooose. Mahadsanid

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Final Assessment

Addigo adeegsanaya Excel File-ka ku lifaaqan ee Scenario Two Dataset, Fadlan ka jawaab su,alahan sona Report garey adigo Ms.Word isticmalaya, markaa so dhamaystirtana fadlan upload so dheh oo ku so lifaaq. Calculate the mean, median, and standard deviation of the final grade of the students. Find the percentiles (20, 60th and 90°) and quartiles (1st, 2nd and 3rd) of the final grade of the students. Determine the average reading hours and its standard deviation. Find the mean and median, percentiles (15th, 35th, 85th), quartiles (1st, 2nd. and 3rd) and standard deviation of Absence variable. Compare the means of the final grade for male and female students. Interpret the outcome.

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