Statistical Computing Master Class in  Minitab

Offered by

Benaadir Research, Consultancy & Evaluation Center (BRCE)

$10 $20

21 Cashir

5.5 Saacadood

Course Certificate

Course description

The “Statistical Computing Master Class in Minitab” is an in-depth course designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of statistical analysis using Minitab. This course covers the complete spectrum of statistical computing, from setting up Minitab and performing basic data manipulation to conducting advanced inferential statistical analyses. Through hands-on experience and practical applications, you will gain proficiency in using Minitab to analyze and interpret data effectively.

Why should you take this course?

Minitab is a powerful statistical software widely used in various industries for quality improvement and data analysis. By taking this course, you will:

  • Gain expertise in using Minitab for statistical analysis.
  • Enhance your data analysis skills with practical, real-world applications.
  • Improve your ability to conduct rigorous and reliable statistical analyses.
  • Boost your career prospects by acquiring a sought-after skill in data-intensive fields.
  • Be able to make data-driven decisions more effectively.

Who is this course for?

  • Students and researchers in fields such as engineering, business, healthcare, and social sciences.
  • Quality improvement professionals and Six Sigma practitioners.
  • Data analysts and statisticians looking to deepen their knowledge of Minitab.
  • Professionals who need to analyze data as part of their job responsibilities.
  • Anyone interested in learning how to use Minitab for comprehensive statistical analysis.

Material Includes

  • 7 Downloadable Excel Datasets
  • 2 Downloadable Notes
  • 3 downloadable templets

Course Curriculum

Section 1. Course overview.

  • Minitab installation
  • Minitab Environment Setup.
  • Working with data
  • Normality test.

Section 2. Descriptive Data analyze.

Section 3. Inferential Data analyze

Final Assessment

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 8 Ratings
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0 Rating
Waxaan Rukuntay dhaman Courses-ka Diploma in Applied Research and statistics, aadbaad u mahadsantihiiin sida quruxda badan ee aad isugu so duba rideeeeeen
3 weeks ago
Aaadbaan idinkaaga mahad celinayaa sida Quruxda badan u diyaarisen Diplomadan Applied Research and Statistics iyo Sida balaaqada leh ee ustaad-ka usoo gudbinayo, dhab ahaanti umada somaliyeed boos muhiima ayaad u buuxineysaa shaqa wacan. Guuleysta
Waxaaan qaatay dhaman Courses-ka Diploma in Applied Research and Statistics, dhab ahaaanti si aad u heer sareeyso ayaad u diyaariseen isuguna duba rideen guuleysta. waxaan aad uga helay sida Resourse-keeda ygy so lifaaqdeen iyo sida u turxaan biseen. sidoo kale waxaa aad iso jitay sida uga run sheegreen in Courses-kaani Applied yihiin iTus iTaasbsi.
1 month ago
Dhab ahaantii aadbaan uga helay habka loo diyaariyey Courses-ka waxaa i rukuman dhamaan 9-ka course eee Diploma in applied research and Statistics waan ku faraxsanahay inaan ka mid noqdo ardeyda ka faideysato platformkaan cajiibka.

2 months ago
Dhab ahaaanti aadbaan uga helay habka looo diyaariyey iyo isku xiga Courses-ka oo aad loosoo turxaan bixiyey mahdsanidiin
2 months ago
Masha allah aaadbaan ugu faraxsanahay inaan idinka mid noqdey waxan jogaa America aadbaan u dhiiri gelinayaa shaqada aad wadaaan Guleysta.
2 months ago
Waaa Courses si qurux badan lo soo dyaarye
waxaan rajeynaa inaan ku guleysto inaan dhamaystirto dhamaan Diploma in Applied research and Statistics courses-ka insha aalh
2 months ago
Masha allah

Dhab ahaanti Courses-kena Diploma in Applied Research and Statistics si hagaagsan oo aad losoo turxaan bixiyey ayaa loo diyaariyey iyo Luuqad cid walba oo somaliya fahmi karto.

hadaa bilaaw tahay xitaa waad ka faideysan kartaa.


About the instructors

Abdinor Abukar Ahmed (mr Walanwal)
Abdinor Abukar Ahmed (mr Walanwal)
Bachelor of Computer & Informatics, Post-graduates diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), MBA (Project Management), master of Applied Research & Statistics (Mars) & PMP(Project management Professional) Certified  

Offered by

BRCE waa xarun ka shaqaysa horu marinta iyo barashada arimaha la xariira xirfadaha Casriga ah oo ku salaysan Technology-ga.

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