Excel Data analyze masterclass: From Beginner to Advanced

Offered by

Benaadir Research, Consultancy & Evaluation Center (BRCE)


39 Cashir

5.5 Saacadood

Course Certificate

Excel Data analyze masterclass: From Beginner to Advanced waa course ka mida Courses-ka Data analyze BootCamp, waxaad kaga bogan kartaa habka Excel loo adeegsado marki la joogo data analyze iyo guud ahaan cilmi barista. waxaa loogu tala galay course-ka bartaha bilaawga ilaa iyo heer sare. course-kan sido kale waxaad ka heli donaa sida Data Visualization loo sameyo iyo guud ahan qeybaha kala duwan ee jaan tusyada loo adeegsado xogta in lagu so ban dhigo laguna aqriyo si fudud.

Target Audience

  • Students
  • Data Analysts
  • Researchers
  • Business Advisors
  • Evaluators

Material Includes

  • 1 PDF of Compete Course Notes
  • 29 Excel Practice files

Course Curriculum

Section 1: Course introduction

  • 04:45
  • Using excel Functions
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Measurement of central tendency

Section 2: Measurement of Variability

Section 3: Data Visualization

Section 4: Probability

Section 5: Z score

Section 6: Inferential Statistics

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 6 Ratings
4 Ratings
2 Ratings
0 Rating
0 Rating
0 Rating
Course kaan waxaan kabartay oo aan kafaaiiday aqoon iyo cilmi aad ubadan.
Well done!!!
Aduunka hada wax uu u quuraya dhinacas io comprised. Dhabti course ka io sharaxada Eng. Abdi Shakur Dhicisow wax ku qiimeyey 9/10 wax badan ayan ka fa'iiday wax uu course kan igu dhiirigaliyey in an go'aan ku qaatay ina an qaato dhaman course ka data analays ka ila an ka gaaro BOTCAM
1 month ago
it was good, and I got a lot of experience.
I advice to add pivot table, VLOOKUP up, Xlookup.
Thanks you our dear Teacher Eng Di' isow
5 months ago
very interesting course

About the instructors

Abdishakur Diso
Abdishakur Diso
Master of Applied Research and Statistics, Master of Engineering

Offered by

BRCE waa xarun ka shaqaysa horu marinta iyo barashada arimaha la xariira xirfadaha Casriga ah oo ku salaysan Technology-ga.

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