Accounting Principle Two (Basic to Advanced)

Offered by

Benaadir Research, Consultancy & Evaluation Center (BRCE)

$5 $10

32 Cashir

3 Saacadood

Course Certificate

Course-kaan Accounting 2 waxa uu fure uyahay dadka daneeya barashada accounting-ka ee jaaniska aan uhelin in ay bartaan daneeyana gaar ahaan qofka donaya inuu Practical u barto 9-ka wareeg ee Accountingku maro taas oo Cid walba o Accountant ah Muhiim u ah.


Target Audience

  • Students
  • Accountants
  • Owners
  • Managers
  • High Educated Educators

Course Curriculum

Section 1 Intro to Accounting Cycle

  • what is 9-accounting cycle
  • 9-Accounting cycle steps
  • Accounting cycle flow chart

Section 2 journal Entry

Section 3 T-Accounts

Section 4 Un-adjusted Trial Balance

Section 5 Adjusted Entry

Section 6 Adjusted Trail Balance

Section 7 Worksheet

Section 8 Closing Entry

Section 9 Post Closed Trail Balance

Section 10 Reverse Entry

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 2 Ratings
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Mahadsanid ustaaad Aadbaan uga helay, waqti kooban ayaaan dhamaystir anigo wax caajis iyo daal ah ku dareemin.

sidoo kale waxaan idin so jedinaa inaad soo dhamaystirtaan courses-ka xiga packages-ka

About the instructors

Omar Mohamed Ali
Omar Mohamed Ali
Economist, Specially focus on Accounting and Finance

Offered by

BRCE waa xarun ka shaqaysa horu marinta iyo barashada arimaha la xariira xirfadaha Casriga ah oo ku salaysan Technology-ga.

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