Total Enrolled36
Duration10 hours
Last Updated18/02/2025
CertificateCertificate of completion
English Semester 2 Level 1 Beginner
Offered by
Benaadir Research, Consultancy & Evaluation Center (BRCE)

95 Cashir

10 Saacadood

Course Certificate
Course Description
English for Everyone is designed for people who want to learn English language., it covers the core skills: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Unlike in other courses, the skills are taught and practiced as visually as possible, using images and graphics to help you understand and remember. The best way to learn is to work through the book in order, making full use of the audio available on the website and app. Turn to the practice book at the end of each unit to reinforce your learning with additional exercises.
Why should you take this course?
You should take this course if you want to enhance your ability to communicate in everyday situations using practical English skills. This course is designed to focus on helping you talk about daily routines, express what you or others don’t do, and ask both simple and open questions, which are essential for effective communication. You will also learn how to give directions and describe places in a town, making it easier to navigate or help others in real-life situations. Additionally, this course will teach you how to combine sentences using “and” and “but” to express more complex ideas, as well as how to describe people and places using adjectives. By mastering these skills, you will be able to confidently engage in conversations and improve your fluency in English
Who is this course for?
- Beginners: Those who have little to no experience with English.
- Non-native speakers: Individuals whose primary language is not English.
- Students: who need to build a foundation in English grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
- Adults, young learners, and anyone looking to start learning English in a simple and structured way.
- Professionals: Those who want to enhance their English proficiency for work or career advancement.
What you’ll learn:
By the end of this course, you will have learned how to:
- Describe everyday routines, jobs, and activities.
- Use common vocabulary related to work, daily routines, and places around town.
- Form simple sentences using key grammar structures like “can”, “there is/are”, and possessive adjectives.
- Ask and answer questions in English related to directions, abilities, and possessions.
- Ask for and give directions, helping you navigate and assist others in real-life situations.
- Talk about your abilities, make requests, and give basic directions.
- Understand and use vocabulary to navigate conversations in daily life situations such as shopping, asking for directions, and talking about work.
What you earn after completion of this course:
Upon completing this course, you will:
- Receive a certificate of completion of diploma (if you complete the whole semesters).
- Gain the ability to communicate basic information in English for personal and professional situations.
- Build a strong foundation in English language skills, which will prepare you for more advanced learning.
- Be equipped with essential vocabulary and grammar to navigate simple conversations in English.
- Feel more confident in reading, writing, listening, and speaking at the beginner level.
Course Curriculum
Course Overview
Course Files
Unit 13: Describing Your Day
13.3: how to form the present simple
02:59 -
13.4: Exercise 1 cross out the incorrect word in each sentence
08:33 -
13.5, 13.6: Exercise 2 Describing Your Day
11:27 -
13.7,13.8: Key Language “S” And “Es” Endings
06:23 -
13.9, 13.10: Exercise 3 Describing Your Day
07:30 -
13.11, 13.12: Exercise 4 Describing Your Day
11:42 -
13.13: Exercise 5 Use the chart to create 12 correct sentences
04:59 -
Quiz 1: Choose the correct word
Unit 14: Describing Your Week
14.1: Vocabulary Days of The Week
06:16 -
14.2: key language prepositions and days of the week
06:01 -
14.3: Exercise 1 fill in the gaps to complete the sentences
05:12 -
14.4: Vocabulary Activities
02:10 -
14.5,14.6: Exercise 2 Describing your week
07:33 -
14.7,14.8: Vocabulary Frequency Phrases
03:30 -
14.9: Further Examples Frequency Phrases
02:04 -
14.10: Exercise 3 Listen to the Audio and Answer the Questions
08:55 -
14.11,14.12: Exercise 4 Describing your week
08:52 -
Quiz 2: Fill in the gaps using the words “on” or “in”
Unit 15: Negatives with “To Be”
15.1,15.2: Key Language Negatives with The Verb “To Be”
05:38 -
15.3: How To Form Negatives with The Verb “To Be”
02:15 -
15.4: Exercise 1 Rewrite the Sentences, Putting the Words in the Correct Order
04:20 -
15.5,15.6: Exercise 2 Negatives with “to be”
09:08 -
15.7,15.8: Key Language Negative Short Forms
05:59 -
15.9: Exercise 3 Rewrite the Sentences, Correcting the Errors
04:14 -
15.10: Exercise 4 Read the Blog and Answer the Questions
06:50 -
15.11: Exercise 5 Use the Chart to Create 12 Correct Sentences
Unit 16: More Negatives
16.1,16.2: Key Language Present Simple Negative
09:32 -
16.3: How To Form Present Simple Negative
03:09 -
16.4, 16.5: Exercise 1 more negatives
14:31 -
16.6,16.7: Key Language Contracted Negatives
05:08 -
16.8: Exercise 2 Fill in the Gaps to Write Each Sentence Three Different Ways
08:49 -
16.9: Exercise 3 Rewrite the Sentences, Correcting the Errors
06:48 -
16.10: Exercise 4 Use The Chart to Create 12 Correct Sentences.
04:11 -
16.11: Exercise 5 Read the Article and Answer the Questions
17:22 -
Quiz 3: Fill in the gaps using “do not” or “does not”
Unit 17: Simple Questions
17.1,17.2: Key Language Questions With “To Be”
06:37 -
17.3: How To Form Questions With “To Be”
01:32 -
17.4: Exercise 1 Rewrite the Sentences as Questions
04:56 -
17.5: Exercise 2 Listen to the Audio and Circle the Correct Answer to Each Question
07:34 -
17.6: Exercise 3 Intonation Simple Questions
03:47 -
17.7: Exercise 4 Say These Sentences Out Loud, Filling in the Gaps
06:08 -
17.8,17.9: Key Language Questions With “Do” And “Does”
06:27 -
17.10: How To Form Questions With “Do” And “Does”
02:56 -
17.11: Exercise 5 Fill in the Gaps in the Questions Using “Do” Or “Does”
04:40 -
17.12: Exercise 6 Rewrite the Questions, Putting the Words in the Correct Order
05:11 -
17.13,17.14: Exercise 7 Simple questions
09:59 -
Quiz 4: Choose the correct word
Unit 18: Answering Questions
18.1, 18.2: Key Language Short Answers
08:54 -
18.3: Exercise 1 Listen to the Audio and Answer the Questions
06:31 -
18.4: Exercise 2 Mark the Correct Reply to Each Question
04:01 -
18.5: Exercise 3 Answer the Questions, Speaking Out Loud
07:53 -
Quiz 5: Choose the best reply for each question
Unit 19: Asking Questions
19.1,19.2: Key Language Open Questions with The Verb “To Be”
05:50 -
19.3: Exercise 1 Cross Out the Incorrect Words in Each Sentence
06:00 -
19.4,19.5: Vocabulary Question Words
07:29 -
19.6,19.7: Exercise 2 Asking questions
12:28 -
19.8,19.9: Key Language Open Questions Using “Do” And “Does”
04:31 -
19.10: Further Examples Open Questions Using “Do” And “Does”
02:15 -
19.11: Exercise 3 Fill In the Gaps To Complete The Questions
04:04 -
19.12,19.13: Exercise 4 Asking questions
11:34 -
19.14: Exercise 5 Say the Questions Out Loud, filling in the Gaps Using the Words in the Panel
04:53 -
19.15: Exercise 6 Read the Email and Answer the Questions
12:05 -
19.16: Exercise 7 Use the Chart to Create 12 Correct Sentences.
03:31 -
19.17, 19.18: Exercise 8 Asking questions
09:03 -
Quiz 6: Fill in the gaps to complete the questions
Unit 20: Vocabulary Around Town
20.1,20.2: Around Town
Unit 21: Talking About Your Town
21.1,21.2: Key Language “There Is” And “There Are”
06:19 -
21.3,21.4: Exercise 1 Talking about your town
04:50 -
21.5: Exercise 2 Look at the Pictures and Fill in the Gaps to Complete the Sentences
03:36 -
21.6: Key Language “There Is Not” And “There Are Not Any”
02:04 -
21.7: Exercise 3 Cross out the Incorrect Word in Each Sentence
04:13 -
21.8, 21.10: Another Way to Say
06:49 -
21.11: Exercise 4 Listen to the Audio, Then Number the Pictures in the Order They Are Described
05:32 -
21.12: Exercise 5 Read the Email and Answer the Questions
08:42 -
21.13: Exercise 6 Look at the Picture, Then Say Each Sentence Out Loud, Filling In the Gaps
04:35 -
Quiz 7: Choose the correct answer
Unit 22: Using “A” and “The”
22.1,22.2: Key Language “A / An / The”
07:43 -
22.3: exercise 1 cross out the incorrect words in each sentence
06:50 -
22.4,22.5: key language “a / some”
04:43 -
22.6, 22.7: Exercise 2 Using “a” and “the”
09:01 -
22.8,22.9: Key Language Questions With “A / Any”
03:21 -
22.10, 22.11: Exercise 3 Using “a” and “the”
09:06 -
22.12: Key Language Short Answers
02:59 -
22.13,22.14: Exercise 4 Using “a” and “the”
09:48 -
Quiz 8: Tick the correct answer
Unit 23: Giving Directions
23.1,23.2: Key Language Imperatives
06:50 -
23.3: Exercise 1 Rewrite the Infinitives as Imperatives
05:36 -
23.4,23.5: Key Language Giving Directions
13:14 -
23.6: Vocabulary Directions
04:03 -
23.7: Exercise 2 Fill In the Gaps Using Directions
05:16 -
23.8,23.9: Key Language Negative Imperative
03:02 -
23.10,23.11: Exercise 3 Orders and directions
12:24 -
Quiz 9: Choose the correct answer whether each sentence is imperative or present simple
Unit 24: Joining Sentences
24.1,24.2: Key Language Using “And” To Join Sentences
06:26 -
24.3: Exercise 1 Rewrite These Statements as Single Sentences Using “And”
06:54 -
24.4: Exercise 2 Listen To the Audio And Match the Places Mentioned In Each “And” Statement
05:56 -
24.5: Key Language Using A Comma Instead Of “And”
02:29 -
24.6: Exercise 3 Mark the Sentences That Use Commas and “And” Correctly
07:37 -
24.7: Key Language Using “But” To Join Sentences
02:12 -
24.8: Exercise 4 Match the Beginnings of the Sentences to the Correct Endings
04:48 -
24.9: Exercise 5 Rewrite Each Pair of Statements as a Single Sentence
04:39 -
24.10: Exercise 6 Cross out the Incorrect Word in Each Sentence
03:01 -
24.11: Exercise 7 look At the Table, Then Say “And” And “But” Sentences Out Loud
06:22 -
Quiz 10: Fill in the gaps with and/but.
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